
Interested in Volunteering?

PAOC relies on it’s volunteers for all aspects in rescue. Events, fundraising, foster care, medical appointments and more require trusted volunteers.
Animals in rescue come from a wide variety of backgrounds; make a difference in their lives and help them find a loving and peaceful home.
Complete the form below and we will contact you in advance of our tri-annual volunteer training sessions.

Rules for Volunteering

The safety of volunteers and fosters is a priority- rules MUST be adhered by all volunteers.

  • No volunteer shall ever be under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, or illegal substances while representing PAOC.
  • No volunteer will use the name of PAOC without express permission from the Board. 
  • All volunteers must conduct themselves respectfully and appropriately. PAOC is an anti-bullying and anti-sexual harassments organization. These accounts will result in immediate member dismissal from PAOC. These are actions that will NOT be tolerated. 
  • Any issues or concerns will be directed to the Board via EMAIL immediately and will be handled by the Board as a whole exclusively an not by any individual board member
  • All events and fundraisers are to be approved by the Board of Directors
  • Proper handling of fosters must occur at ll times. Mishandling will result in immediate dismissal.
  • No volunteers shall bring their own pets or unapproved volunteers (including children, family, friends) when volunteering. All new volunteers must be approved by the Board and have signed the application, Hold Harmless release, and rules.
  • NO pictures of the foster animals shall be posted to social media without permission from the Board. 
  • Fosters must never leave the premises without permission from a Board Officer and must never be left unattended outside. 
  • All new volunteers will be required to work with a veteran volunteer until training is complete.
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